Worst part of studying abroad? Packing...blerg

We're leaving in five days...FIVE. Wanna know what I've packed? Nothing...

Okay, that's not entirely true. I've packed my "gift" bag. We'll be visiting an orphanage while we're there, and I volunteered to coordinate gifts for the girls. The stuff I've collected takes up an entire suitcase (yay!), and THAT'S packed, but that's all. All of the other stuff I'll need is on my bed/my floor/in the laundry room/somewhere else in the house, but not in a bag.

Anyway, I figured I'd procrastinate a bit by giving you some info on the process that has led up to this trip. We've had five pre-departure classes meant to prepare us for the time we'll spend in the country. Each class has followed the same layout (presentations, discussion, lunch, Bollywood movie), but has differed in its focus.

Week 1: Intro & Basic Questions
Presentations: Background on certain historical figures (our group: CV Raman)
Movie: 3 Idiots

Week 2: History of India
Presentations:  Timeline of Indian History (our group: the Mughal Empire)
Movie: Mr. & Mrs. Iyer

Week 3: Culture of India
Presentations: Art, Music, Language, and Architecture of India (our group: Music)
Movie: Guru

Week 4: India today
Presentations: Foreign policy, Government, and Infrastructure
Movie: Rang de Basanti

Week 5: India today
Presentations: Economy, Culture, and Business Environment (our group: Economy)
Movie: Diwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge

All of the movies were FANTASTIC. If I were to rank them, it would look like this (starting with my favorite):

  • 3 Idiots
  • Rang de Basanti
  • Diwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge
  • Mr. & Mrs. Iyer
  • Guru

(that was actually difficult. Other than 3 Idiots being the standout favorite, I like the others about the same. You should watch them ALL!)

I feel prepared-ish for the trip, but I'm also aware that nothing can fully prepare me for the next three weeks. I'm excited, and nervous, and in-denial-that-i'm-leaving, and sad-to-miss-Christmas-here all at the same time. Guess I should actually pack something...

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